Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snow in Groningen, Dwingeloo, and everywhere in between...

It snowed here most of the last whole 7 days :O this is pretty huge for Netherlands. not many cars have been moved from their parked places, many people are taking buses (not cycles, they are also parked and not moved) and even more (like yours truly) are preferring to stay indoors.

Netherlands will experience a baby-boom 9 months from now: my best prediction so far.

This is Mahalaxmi's first experience with snow. First day (last Wed) i went to work, when it had snowed over night. There was so much snow on roads, trees, and just about everything in the sight. I clicked quite a few pics from John McKean's car...

Dwingeloo telescope and the nearby forest:

1 comment:

Pradeep Pant said...

snow snow everywhere..
Nainital yaad aa gaya