Friday, December 25, 2009

Putting Maithilee to sleep

To put Maithilee to sleep, I need to sing songs, do dance, rock her on my lap. I steal kisses, which she resists. If I'd give her one Euro for one kiss, she would soon be a millionaire!! I call her names (मिठू , ढूमकू, भीमसेन), tell her stories of her parents' greatness... and how it could easily have been much worse :p

If all this fails, I tell her that story from Sholay. Here is the result ! (btw, this photo was clicked at the first-month celebration party, Pandeys came over!)


Unknown said...

can't see the text inside the bubbles :|

baki, great going!

Sammit said...

Beti ne sahi Jawab diya hai!